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Autumn Study Hall

By understanding the political landscapes we inhabit, we can better map the terrain of our inner and outer worlds as we blaze trails toward freedom.

During study hall, we…

  • Explore the connections between our bodies, our minds, and the Earth

  • Share media to read, listen to and witness the wisdom of teachers, artists, thinkers and advocates

  • Contemplate and converse about how the ideas, insights and experiences make us think, feel and be.

  • Unite in our visions, voices, and actions: yoga means to yoke or bind, and our conversations cultivate  relationships that ground our work for resilience.

In the spirit of shared learning, we ask that everyone who joins the conversation bring a resource to share that aligns with the theme for this season: PRATYAHARA — quieting the senses, releasing distractions, and turning our focus inward.

Please bring a paragraph, a poem, a podcast, a song, a web site, a book title, an article, a picture and any other forms of media or personal objects that align with our theme.

February 27

Winter Study Hall